


Approved by Council: March 1, 2024


1.01 When any Council or Committee Member wishes to speak, they shall so indicate by raising their hand, and shall address the presiding officer and confine themself to the question under discussion.
1.02 When two (2) or more Council or Committee Members raise their hand to speak, the presiding officer shall call upon one Member to speak first.
1.03 No Council or Committee Member, shall interrupt another Council or Committee Member except to raise a point of order. The interrupting Council or Committee Member shall confine themself strictly to the point of order.
1.04 Any Council or Committee Member in speaking or otherwise who transgresses these rules, if called to order either by the presiding officer or on a point raised by another Council or Committee Member, shall immediately cease speaking while the point is being stated, after which they may explain and shall then obey the decision of the presiding officer.
1.05 A Council or Committee Member may speak only once upon any question, except:
  a) in explanation of a material point of their speech which may have been misquoted or misunderstood, but then they are not to introduce any new matter or argument;
  b) the proposer of a substantive motion, who shall be allowed a reply which shall close the debate, or
  c) with the permission of the presiding officer.
1.06 No Council or Committee Member may speak longer than seven (7) minutes upon any question except with the permission of the presiding officer.
1.07 When the question under discussion contains distinct propositions, any Council or Committee Member may require the vote upon each proposition to be taken separately.
1.08 When the presiding officer puts the question, no Council or Committee Member shall enter or leave the chamber, and no further debate is permitted.
1.09 Any question when once decided by the Council or Committee Members shall not be reintroduced within six (6) months except by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members in attendance.
1.10 All motions shall be recorded and seconded, before being debated. When a motion is seconded, it may be re-read by the presiding officer or their designate. When the question under discussion has not been printed and distributed, any Council or Committee Member may require it to be at any time during the debate, but not so as to interrupt a member while speaking.
1.11 A Council or Committee Member who has made a motion may withdraw the same without the permission of the seconder or the consent of the Council or Committee. Rule 1.10 does not prevent another Council or Committee Member from making the same motion.
1.12 The presiding officer shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Council or Committee without debate. In explaining a point of order or practice, they shall state the rule or authority applicable to the case.
1.13 When a question is under debate, no motion is received except to amend it, to postpone it (which may be indefinitely or to a day or time certain), to put the question, to adjourn the debate, to adjourn the meeting, or to refer the question to a Committee.
1.14 A motion to amend the main question shall be disposed of before the main question is decided and, where there is more than one motion to amend, they shall be decided in the reverse order to which they were made.
1.15 Whenever the presiding officer is of the opinion that a motion offered to the Council or Committee is contrary to these rules or the By-Law, they shall apprise the Council or Committee thereof immediately, rule the motion out of order, and quote the rule or authority applicable to the case.